Latin America
84, Transgender, and Baptized: Facing the Backlash against LGBTQI Rights
October 23, 2016 -
While tens of thousands in Mexico City protest the proposal for the national legalization of same-sex marriage, 84 year-old trans activist Samantha Flores fights for the elderly gay community, marginalized to the point of invisibility. More -
Crossing Borders, Looking Over Walls
March 14, 2016 -
The new video “Khaled’s Ladder” documents the journey of multidisciplinary artist Khaled Jarrar along the U.S.-Mexico border and the making of his new work that takes the border wall as its raw material. More -
The Real Clash of Civilizations
November 27, 2015 -
As world leaders gather in Paris for the UN climate talks, they must turn their focus away from xenophobia to solve the migration crises of a climate-changed world. More -
“We Need the River to be Free”: Activists Fight the Privatization of Colombia’s Longest River
March 17, 2015 -
In southwest Colombia, rural communities have begun using direct action in their struggle against the privatization of natural resources by multinational corporations. More -
Jean-Euphèle Milcé:
To Drink My Sweet BodyMay 9, 2014 -
Poet and novelist Jean-Euphèle Milcé evokes the harrowing condition of cultivating sugar from the perspective of a Haitian plantation worker, on the occasion of Kara Walker’s A Subtlety…, presented by Creative Time at Brooklyn’s Domino Sugar Factory. More