Category: Summit Series
Lobotomized Cities: Rebecca Solnit in Conversation with Nato Thompson
October 21, 2013 -
Creative Time chief curator Nato Thompson speaks with acclaimed author Rebecca Solnit about gentrification and the role of culture in cities. More -
David Byrne: Will Work for Inspiration.
October 7, 2013 -
As part of Creative Time Reports’ Summit Series, musician, artist and bicycle diarist David Byrne considers New York City’s present and future, at a moment of rising economic inequality that he argues is having dire effects on culture. More -
Rick Lowe: Project Row Houses at 20
October 7, 2013 -
As Houston’s Project Row Houses turns 20, founder Rick Lowe reflects on the history of the project and how it evolved in response to concerns from the community it serves. Lowe distinguishes his project from social housing developments undertaken on a large scale, emphasizing its collaborative framework. More -
Housing Is A Human Right: A Conversation with Michael Premo
September 16, 2013 -
In this 2013 Summit Series episode of Forms of Life, Creative Time chief curator Nato Thompson speaks with artist Michael Premo about his use of community storytelling to raise awareness about housing and gentrification, and his involvement with Occupy Homes and Occupy Sandy. More -
Toñita’s: The Brooklyn Club That Keeps Puerto Rico Kicking in Williamsburg
September 16, 2013 -
As part of our 2013 Summit Series, filmmakers Beyza Boyacioglu and Sebastian Diaz document the vibrant, communal spirit of the last remaining Puerto Rican social club in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn—a neighborhood known as “Los Sures” until it lost its Latino character. More