Category: Summit Series
Living on the Electromagnetic Border
November 10, 2014 -
Everywhere is a border zone now, as political powers erode civil liberties and asylum rights, and new technologies contribute to an ominous global scenario in which our identities are determined by faceless systems. More -
Saskia Sassen Talks Finance, Climate, Race, Immigration and How We Can Begin to Fix Our Planet
October 27, 2014 -
The pioneering sociologist speaks with Creative Time Chief Curator Nato Thompson as part of our 2014 Summit Series. More -
You Are Eating a Dying Language: Michael Rakowitz on Arab Jewish Identity
October 20, 2014 -
Artist Michael Rakowitz examines the disappearance of Arab Jewish identity in the context of his recent project Dar Al Sulh, a temporary restaurant serving Iraqi Jewish cuisine in Dubai, for our Summit Series. More -
Breaking Social Codes: An Outsider in Sweden
October 14, 2014 -
Reflecting on race and belonging in Sweden, the artist Santiago Mostyn walks through the streets of Stockholm, touching white strangers, in a video published as part of our Summit Series. The series explores themes at the heart of the 2014 Creative Time Summit Stockholm, a collaboration with the Public Art Agency Sweden. More -
Pushed Out by Penthouses: The Gentrification of Downtown Brooklyn
October 21, 2013 -
Creative Time chief curator Nato Thompson speaks with filmmaker Kelly Anderson about the manifold forces that drive gentrification, what New York’s next mayor can accomplish and how culture becomes entangled in unjust development. More