Category: Op-Ed
Guns Don’t Kill People, Capitalism Kills People
April 9, 2016 -
Gun control advocates want more laws, but the streets won’t get safer until we address the real — often economic — causes of violence. More -
Privacy Is Over: Time to Embrace Total Transparency
February 25, 2016 -
The encryption debate has brought together Apple and the ACLU in a fight to preserve privacy. But it’s time to radically rethink privacy and secure it the only way we have left: by letting it go. More -
Public Empathy Must Not Be Reserved Only for “Perfect Victims”
February 12, 2016 -
From George Zimmerman to Daniel Holtzclaw, aggressors have relied on the “perfect victim” narrative to escape punishment for violence against Black people. More -
Egypt Five Years Later: The Failures of Another US-Backed Dictatorship
January 22, 2016 -
On the eve of the five-year anniversary of Egypt’s revolution, a look back on what’s changed, what hasn’t, and what the US has done to help secure yet another repressive regime. More -
Tricks and TRAPs: New Laws Threaten Reproductive Rights in the Name of “Women’s Health”
January 20, 2016 -
Think Roe v Wade guarantees a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion? In statehouses around the country, lawmakers are using seemingly mundane regulations to restrict access to abortion and reproductive care. More