Steve Lambert
Via Beacon, NY, USA
One week after Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States in November 2008, 1.2 million people were handed a New York Times Special Edition on the streets of New York declaring: “IRAQ WAR ENDS.” Though a near perfect rendition of the newspaper, the edition was postdated July 4th, 2009. The replica of the “paper of record”—created by Lambert in collaboration with Andy Bichlbaum of the Yes Men, 30 writers, 50 advisors and 1,000 volunteer distributors—was comprised of fourteen “best case scenario” news stories.
In addition to his witty investigations of contemporary consumer-driven culture, Lambert is the founder of three organizations: the Center for Artistic Activism, the Budget Gallery and the Anti-Advertising Agency. His practice includes drawing, performance, video, public and internet art, along with collaborations with the Yes Men, CODEPINK, Packard Jennings, and the Eyebeam Art and Technology Center’s OpenLab. Lambert, who is a Senior Fellow at Eyebeam, is also the recipient of awards from Prix Arts Electronica, Turbulence, the Creative Work Fund, Rhizome/The New Museum and the California Arts Council.