
Bénédicte Desrus
Via Mexico City, Mexico
Bénédicte Desrus is an award-winning documentary photographer represented by Sipa Press working throughout Europe, East Africa, the United States and Latin America. She focuses on humanitarian and social issues around the world and is currently working on a long-term project on global obesity. In her work, she often spends months with her subjects, exploring the lives of people ostracized by society and the communities they form to survive and find respect. Most recently, she has documented the lives of elderly sex workers living in a shelter in Mexico City and the persecution of homosexuals in Uganda. Her work has been featured in publications worldwide including The New York Times, Harper’s, The Wall Street Journal, Time, Courrier International, Le Monde, The Star, Marie Claire, Internazionale, De Volkskrant, Grazia, Elle, Henne, Neon and The Sunday Times Magazine.