
  • Time as Currency: Alternative Economies for the Future

    October 17, 2012 - 

    In this episode of Forms of Life, Creative Time’s Chief Curator Nato Thompson speaks with Anton Vidokle, artist and co-founder of the international art network e-flux, about alternative economies, the mutability of money and the prospects for a new “.art” internet domain.  More
  • I Ran into Iran:
    To Burn or Not to Burn a Flag

    September 28, 2012 - 

    I ran into Iran talks with artists Dread Scott and Nima Esmailpour about flag burning in the United States and Iran. Who burns a U.S. flag? Why do they do it? Has the context in which the flag is burned changed over the years?  More
  • Lighting Up the Streets with the 99%

    September 19, 2012 - 

    As Occupy Wall Street celebrated its first anniversary, Forms of Life host Nato Thompson talks to artist and activist Mark Read about his street interventions and the fate of the movement.  More
  • Art and Education Across the Pan-American Divide

    August 22, 2012 - 

    In this episode of Forms of Life, Creative Time’s Chief Curator Nato Thompson talks to Pablo Helguera, a museum educator and pioneer of socially engaged artistic practice, about how art and education can foster new forms of participation and intercultural understanding.  More
  • PR

    Editor’s Letter

    Five years after Creative Time Reports’ inception, the project is coming to a close. Editor Marisa Mazria Katz reflects on some of the most moving pieces that solidified CTR as a unique platform that elevates artists’ voices.


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